Thanks for helping my friend. Attribution: Pinterest.
Donation Links
This is tonyahky’s PayPal link. Simply click on it to make your donation. If entering it from scratch directly on, her PayPal address is tonyahky at gmx dot com.
If sending a paper check through US Mail, please message tonyahky by sending her a Kosmailto receive her mailing address.
More details if you scroll down a bit. Thanks for your compassion.
Attribution for the image at the top of the diary: Louis Wain, Pinterest. Wain was a somewhat eccentric British artist who became famous for his surreal cat drawings and paintings from the 1880s until World War I broke out in 1914. An admirer of his art was the first Labour Party Prime Minister, Ramsay MacDonald. Wain was played by Benedict Cumberbatch in the 2021 movie, The Electrical Life of Louis Wain.
Surrounded by MAGA Bullies
Just getting by. Attribution: Louis Wain, Pinterest.
Imagine living in a red state and a county where MAGA types surround you. While you are pleasant to your neighbors, you also yearn to see the country — if not your state — turn blue and get bluer by the day. You have a job twenty miles away and at least an hour’s drive each way. Every day can be a long, tiring 12-hour day, and doing this and another job on Saturdays is how you make ends meet.
You are a single mother and come home to two daughters, one of whom is autistic and functions at the level of a three-year-old child and has numerous special needs. She requires constant attention, leaving you tired and sleep-deprived. On top of that, you are saddled with medical debt and other bills that are frequently past due. Oh, you also suffer from Lupus.
But you must soldier on. That’s what parents are supposed to do.
One day, you are about to leave work and find out the air is low in all four tires of your car. You always carry a portable air pump, a cheap solution that gets you to work. You notice the same lack of air pressure in your car’s tires while leaving work but make it home safely. You finally figure out that those nice MAGA types around you probably saw the Joe Biden sticker on your car. And that was enough to puncture your car’s tires. In their mind, you and the President are fully responsible for all the difficulties in their lives.
Someone must pay the price, even if it’s guilt by association. Too bad it has to be you.
And now, you have to figure out how to replace the tires and pay for them. So, you delay paying your lot rent. And that’s how you end up with a stern note from your landlord on your front door.
Times are tough. Attribution: Louis Wain Bot, Twitter.
The first thought that comes to your mind is, “Am I going to lose my home?” You somehow manage to pay the rent with late fees tacked on. While you are waiting to catch up on paying rent, you lose a tooth and immediately need dental care to alleviate severe pain. And wonder, how am I going to pay for all of this?
You would be mistaken if you think this story is uncommon for millions of hard-working Americans, anxiously living paycheck to paycheck. They play by the rules, diligently pay taxes, strive mightily to support their families, and struggle to become productive members of their communities.
One bout of adversity can completely upset the fragile balance of their precarious lives. In every respect, they are paying their dues to society. They are as American as any of us. And when faced with challenging circumstances, they deserve our support. Empathy and concern for others is what separates us from MAGA folks.
Messages of Support from DK Community Members
Fundraisers like these are always collaborative; my DK moniker is on this diary, but that’s far from the full story. Tonya has many friends and supporters among long-time DK community members.
Several of them have offered messages supporting this worthwhile cause.
Tonya is a beloved and indispensable member of the Daily Kos community. Her comments and diaries invariably bring a soothing clarity to our mixed up world. She’s funny, too.
Let’s come together and help her in her time of need, just as she has been, and will be, there for us.
That’s what friends are for. Attribution — Facebook.
Tonya has been a member of our community for many years now. As someone who is also from a very red state that is full of very angry followers of Trump, I know how demoralizing it gets day after day after day. I am also aware of how some of those people can behave, and I am not surprised about her tires being slashed because of a bumper sticker.
I think that we are all aware that a shamefully large number of us are unable to maintain savings for any kind of emergency, and tonyahky is in that position. I know enough about being marginalized to know the stress and anxiety that she is experiencing.
Although I am not in a great position myself, I think contributing to tonyahky is the right thing to do because I am well aware that next time trouble comes around, it could be on my own doorstep.
To paraphrase Governor Tim Walz (D-MN), sometimes it’s neighbors helping neighbors, and Tonya has been a DK neighbor longer than most of us here.
Tonya has been here at DKos since 2005 - way longer than me and sometimes I feel like an amazing old-timer (here since 2013 or thereabouts)!
She and I have had many a discussion on DKos and in Kosmail. She fights the good fight on Democratic issues online and offline. Working in healthcare, she has been on the front lines, getting COVID-19, dealing with other health issues, and finding little support for recovery. Now some a-hole has gone after her car because she had the audacity to display a Democratic bumper sticker.
Living in Kentucky, where I also used to live, there is not much governmental protection! The safety net has huge holes. So I hope we can help her pull through. I am sure we can!
Having her car vandalized really knocked her financial situation into the gutter (it was already pretty darn tight, an entirely foreseeable result of the horribly insufficient pay rate given most hourly workers).
Please step up if you can and help her out!
A Few Personal Thoughts
Taking care of neighbors. Attribution: Louis Wain, Pinterest.
I have interacted with Tonya for almost two decades here on Daily Kos. And I can vouch for her character with no hesitation. She is a long-time contributor to this blog and a person of great integrity.
I have also exchanged periodic Kosmails and emails with her; over time, one gets a sense of the person on the other end. She has always been primarily concerned with the welfare of others while striving to maintain blue Democratic values in a sea of red around her.
One other thing. Many of you know that I live in Washington, DC. A few months after being elected as a member of the US House of Representatives from the Boston, MA area in 1946, a young John F. Kennedy was asked by a reporter about his impressions of DC as a city. JFK replied calmly in his trademark wit, “Washington, DC is a city of Northern charm and Southern efficiency.”
DC is no longer the sleepy, small town that existed decades ago. FDR’s New Deal and expanding the federal workforce during World War II changed everything. Since it was allocated three electoral votes in 1964, it has never voted for a Republican presidential candidate. In 2016, Hillary Clinton won 91%-4% over Trump; Biden defeated Trump in 2020 with a 92%-5% margin.
We are the bluest of blue areas in the country. I can tell you from first-hand experience that, with so few Republicans living in the city, some don’t even acknowledge that they are card-carrying members of the GOP.
Living in a blue political heaven, I have periodically taken a leave of absence from work — even quit jobs a couple of times — to go work on several presidential campaigns (largely on foreign policy issues), although the only one I have ever talked about publicly on DK is the 2000 Gore Campaign in Nashville, TN. These travels have taken me to over 10 states since 2000, including some red states.
DC is bluer than blue. Attribution: Louis Wain Bot, Twitter.
I have closely observed many Democrats who live in these states fighting daily for their progressive ideals. Over the years, I have come to greatly appreciate their efforts against what seem like unsurmountable political odds. It is not easy to be surrounded by, in some instances, hate, fear, small-mindedness, prejudice, and racism. And yet, they persist against MAGA bullies.
As you all know, Illinois, California, and New York were not always reliably Democratic; Ronald Reagan won most of those states twice as recently as in 1980 (won 45 states) and 1984 (won 49 states). In the age of Reagan and Bush the Elder, Virginia was solidly Republican. In recent decades, the DC suburbs of Northern Virginia have become 60% to 70% Democratic due to shifting demographics and generational change, which has helped to make the State of Virginia a (mostly) reliable blue state.
We should vigorously support Democrats everywhere to pursue long-term political goals. Nothing is forever.
You Can Help tonyahky in Several Different Ways
We could use a wee bit of help. Attribution: Louis Wain, Pinterest.
When MAGA folks surround you, it is understandable that you feel apprehensive and suspicious of events around you. Having your car vandalized results in spending valuable time getting the problem fixed while juggling finances, dealing with health issues, and prioritizing which bills to pay and which ones to delay while accumulating late fees. It is a never-ending cycle of worry and despair.
Tonya needs $700.00 she spent on replacing four tires to pay her regular monthly bills (and late fees) next month, $200.00 for a security camera, and $200.00 to resume her autistic daughter’s music therapy class. Additionally, she needs $1200.00-$1500.00 for a root canal (she had one done last week) and to have a broken/infected tooth replaced soon by a dental crown to chew food easily.
It would be wonderful if the community could raise a few hundred extra dollars to provide her and her children peace of mind for the remainder of this year. Twice in the past year, she contracted COVID-19 and missed several weeks of work without pay. Next year, she will become eligible for short-term disability through work. For those living paycheck to paycheck, the reality is that it’s hard to think of the long term; the present is difficult enough to deal with.
We are aiming to raise $3000.00 for her. If we can do that this afternoon and in the next few days, that would be fantastic!
Please keep reading to see how you can donate and help in many other ways.
Brighten someone’s day. Attribution: Louis Wain Cats, Pintetrest.
How You Can Help to Promote This Fundraiser
tonyahky needs our help and support. Here’s how you can help.
Comment in and recommend this diary.
Republish this diary to your DK Groups and promote it on social media.
Participate in this diary and help respond to comments made by those who donate to JG’s cause.
Post pootie pics (ec always says doing that is a winner!) and music videos in this diary. I’m going to post some blues-y songs.
You can also make a donation and a matching funds pledge — as explained below.
Our doggy may be unhappy because we donated to Tonya’s fundraiser. I guess I’ll buy him an extra dog bone. Attribution: Art and Artists, Louis Wain.
How to Make a Donation
This is tonyahky’s PayPal link. Simply click on it to make your donation. If entering it from scratch, her PayPal address is tonyahky at gmx dot com.
For PayPal donations, you can personally pay anyone in the US for free using your bank account or PayPal Balance. If you use a debit or credit card, there will be a small charge for your payment. This is preferred over GoFundMe, which takes about a 3% cut deducted from tonyahky’s intake.
Here’s how it works. Let’s say, as an example, four of you pledged $50.00 each. Once the diary goes up, I will bundle them and announce a $200.00 matching pledge (you remain anonymous).
Then, when another $200.00 is raised, I will contact you to confirm that other individual contributions matched your pledge, and you can now donate through tonyahky’s PayPal or on her GoFundMe fundraising site. This approach has worked exceptionally well in previous fundraisers. It also creates buzz and excitement.
If you can make a matching pledge, please kosmail me (it has been quite iffy the past few weeks) or email me jekyllnhyde2 (at) gmail (dot) com and I will respond as soon as possible.
How This Fundraiser is Organized
Please Read This
Friends helping each other. Attribution: Louis Wain, Pinterest.
If you have any questions about the fundraiser, contact me via Kosmail or ask others who are responding to comments in this diary. A number of DK community members have contributed to this effort, most of whom prefer to remain anonymous and work quietly behind the scenes.
Be patient with Kosmail even if an error shows up. It’s been misbehaving and acting erratically for several weeks now. Don’t panic or get irritated. Just wait 5-6 minutes and check again to see if your message went through. If it didn't go through, go back one screen to your original message from the error notice, preview, and double-click when you send. It will probably work.
The first commentunder the tip jar is reserved only for me and tonyahkyto communicate with each other. We will coordinate and manage matching-funds challenges (hopefully, we’ll get many more such pledges) and periodically provide fundraising updates to include both GoFundMe and PayPal donations.
Matching-Funds Challenges and Updated Fundraising Total
Once the matching funds have been raised for each challenge, I’ll indicate that the challenge has been met.
I think I will make a matching funds pledge. Attribution: Pinterest.